Your LinkedIn Profile

The Value of LinkedIn

Networking. Admittedly, it's a buzzword, but it's a buzzword with genuine purpose because it is through networking that many opportunities can arise. However, with LinkedIn, it offers more than just connection - LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to develop and present your brand, engage with your network and build a reputation as an expert in your field.

And we can show you how to do that.

LinkedIn and Job Applications

There is an increasing number of companies these days that are hiring before they are advertising. In fact, statistical research suggests that as high as 80% of all job vacancies are never advertised. Immersing yourself in LinkedIn can help you connect with the ‘right” people to assist you in attaining your career goals.

As if that wasn’t enticing enough, companies are starting to jump on the LinkedIn band wagon and online applications are often streamlined with the option to use your LinkedIn profile to apply for the position. This means that your profile is really important to get right. Before you dismiss this recruitment approach as an alternative companies reserve for high-end corporate jobs, BHP for example offer this for all applications at all levels of employment. Yep, this includes dump truck operator roles and trainee positions.

Finding the perfect job is difficult enough. Winning it in such a competitive market takes dedication, hard work and effective use of technology, keywords and resources to put your best foot forward whether it is shod in soft Italian leather loafers or dusty steel capped boots.

LinkedIn Profile with Résumé purchase
    LinkedIn Profile    (stand alone)
    LinkedIn Profile  + 2 tailored long posts 

Add a Coaching Session

Add a LinkedIn Coaching Package to learn how to better use your profile to build your online reputation. These sessions can be used to teach you the way around the platform, identify potential groups for you to apply to join and build a strategy for developing your brand and digital footprint.

30 min session
60 min session
90 min session

Clients who seek assistance with their LinkedIn profile often add these options:

Tailored Résumé

Tailored Cover Letter

Selection Criteria

Career Coaching

LinkedIn Profile

Digital Branding